2024年08月28日最后更新 | 5938次浏览 |
由Eternal Games创作,以《跳舞的线》为蓝本的游戏:Eternal Line,等候着你!玩家可以点击屏幕使舞线转动,达到终点。请跟随线的指引,穿梭至「永恒」的世界!
没有GoogleDrive的用户请加入QQ群下载 If you have not GoogleDrive,please join our QQ Group to download. 无限期停更公告 | Stop Update Announcement <— 简体中文—> 由于工程原因,Eternal Line将进行无限期停止更新,现做出如下决定: |原先计划的【Lake Line 联动更新】无限期取消,所以联动关卡【旅】不会更新于Eternal Line。 |暂停所有【问题反馈、建议提出】通道。 |之后将公布【Android版内测】Eternal Line。 对于此事件,我们感到非常抱歉,虽然这个游戏从开始到停更就没多少人玩。(不是卖惨) <— English —> For project reasons,Eternal Line will stop update (for too long time).Now we will do the decide of future: |[LakeLine Collaboration] will stop update,so the Level [The Journey] will not update to it. |Stop all [Report,Suggestions] passages. |We will publish the [Android Beta ver.] Eternal Line. We feel very apologize,sorry.Although this game from the beginning to the end,had not too many people played it.(Not sadfishing)
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